Tuesday, April 12, 2016

11 Whole months of Jayde

Has it really been 11 months? 11 months since I first got the call that I was gonna be a mommy! 11 months since I laid eyes on her beautiful dark haired chubby cheeked little face. That's insane to me. She has learned so much since 8 months that she's not even the same baby! I look at photos and I can't believe how quickly she's changed before my eyes! 

- She's walking EVERYWHERE
- She loves dancing 
- She's experiencing more "stranger danger"
- Her favorite person in the world is her grandpa! 
- She loves animals
- Swimming/Water is her favorite thing
- She's more interested in things that aren't toys

And the list goes on and on! 

I've cried a couple times the past few weeks (including this morning) just thinking about her turning one. I'm enjoying every second with her, but everyday she moves further and further away from being a baby and closer to being a toddler. I never in my life thought it could go this fast. She's the happiest little baby and the way she lights up when I walk in the room just melts my heart! I've never felt so lucky, as I have when I was chosen to be her mommy. 

I'm hoping to have her adoption done by August. We've had some setbacks and although it stinks, I know it'll happen and I just have to be patient! But boy oh boy I can't wait til the day she's finally LEGALLY mine and no one else's! I can't wait to be able to make every single choice for her without having to ask her social worker. I can't wait to have the weight of foster care taken off my shoulders, and just know how happy I am to take her out of the system. She's been home since the moment I met her. I am her home, and she is mine. My heart is hers. And her heart is mine! 

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